Terrorism Avoidance With Executive Protection Training

The appropriate risk management and Avoidance applications is the purpose of the executive protection EP profession worldwide. Terrorist Recruits in training camps in Afghanistan and Pakistan receive training in using explosives, firearms and close quarter battle. These camps are in full swing despite the attempts of the US government. This is a fantastic indicator that terrorist actions will continue to occur throughout the world with a high frequency and with wonderful destruction. Executive Protection Units EPUs must be capable of accomplishing their corporate assignments. They frequently enter any country in the world on a really short notice with the 1 goal in mind: the security of the principal.

Reconnaissance Units frequently called Advance Teams concentrate in making appropriate evaluations of the entrance and departure airports, hotels, places to be seen by the principle in addition to finding responsible hospitals with global medical criteria if the principle gets sick or injured. The EPUs effort concerning terrorism ought to be devoted to preventing and preventing the danger from affecting the corporate mission capabilities. EPUs should be briefed and educated in the region of hazard prevention and risk management. To accomplish these aims the EPU should implement the following program: Implementing the unit is Operations Plan, ongoing training in terrorist operations must be contained, and the Ops Plan must be oriented to prevention and avoidance of terrorist threats rather than for the crime.


However, The EPU should not fail intensive training in hand to hand fighting, intelligence gathering and anti-terrorist tactics. Is not the point of this guide to go into detail about top bodyguard school counter-terrorism tacticians and techniques, there are loads of great books on the topic out there. But this article was intended to get you excited to master the ability of dangers avoidance at home and abroad while on EP details. So, buy a great book, go to a convention and attend elite EP schools. Be willing to invest loads of blood, sweat and tears in your training in addition to team training with your EPU. You will thank me later. Keep safe and Effective Counter-surveillance on the other hand is difficult to identify, let alone prevent. The hostile surveillance team will if done properly never know they have been spotted. The PST should remain covert constantly and after identifying a hostile surveillance team is showing an interest in the customer, would like to do the following: