Eco-Friendly Hospital Cleaning Solutions
Hospitals, healthcare facilities, and other healthcare providers face a constant stream of new patients. Keeping tabs on all of them requires an organized system that ensures that patients get the right equipment and treatment at the right time.
Synchronizing patients’ appointments with staff are no easy feat. If you’re a hospital, it’s no wonder your cleaning department is well equipped with efficient equipment, techniques, and processes. But what if you’re not part of an organization but a single residence with one resident bathroom? How would you even know where to start?
Here’s an answer: eco-friendly hospital cleaning in Sacramento, CA. There are many ways to make your eco-friendly footprint as inclusive as possible. Even if you don’t have your facility, it’s never too early to start working towards becoming more ecologically friendly. Here are some great places to start:
Change to biodegradable cleaning products. There are many reasons you should switch, the first being that traditional cleaners can harm the environment. They include phthalates and chlorine bleach, known for their carcinogenic properties and toxicity. Formaldehyde, another highly toxic substance, is used in some polishes, floor waxes, and sanitizers. When these products sit on floors or surfaces for too long, they can leach into the water or air. These substances have been linked to health issues such as asthma and cancer. Suppose you’re in a hospital setting that’s especially vulnerable because it could be conducive to spreading illness from one person to another. One way to combat this is by purchasing cleaners containing no dyes or perfumes so they won’t tempt visitors to light up a cigarette when they leave your home or office building. This will also save you money because you won’t have to buy as much cleaner to do the job!
Use less liquid soap by diluting it with water instead of buying a new bottle every time you run out of a soap dispenser at home (or office). Check your dishwashing liquid once in a while; if your dishwashing liquid is thick and sticky, use more water instead of more soap in order not only to save money but also to reduce its environmental impact on landfills! For example, if you want something clean but immaculate, you may use more soap and water than required. The same goes for laundry detergent; when you wash a load of clothes and the soap still looks thick and rich, be sure to use less soap next time!